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Showing posts from May, 2013

Bluebell walks in North Cornwall

The bluebell is symbolic of England, though we have them in Cornwall too ;)  Some estimates suggest the UK has up to half of the world's total bluebell population; nowhere else in the world do they grow in such abundance. The poor bluebell faces a number of threats: There has been large-scale unsustainable removal of bulbs for sale, though it is now a criminal offence to remove the bulbs of wild bluebells. Bluebells are likely to struggle in the face of climate change.  During periods of cold weather, spring flowers, such as bluebells, have already started the process of growth by preparing leaves and flowers in underground bulbs during summer and autumn.  They are then able to grow in the cold of winter, or early spring, by using these resources stored in their bulb.  Other species (such as cow parsley or dandelions) require warm weather before they are able to germinate and grow.  With the warmer springs induced by climate change, bluebells will lose their 'early start' a