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Showing posts from March, 2017

New app version with battery usage improvements

A new version of the iWalk Cornwall app (3.15.0) has been released which should start to appear as an update over the next couple of days. In the new version we've replaced the geolocation component that runs when the app is in the background (e.g. when the screen is off) with a custom one that we've written. The new version is more reliable and has improved battery efficiency on iOS. There is also now a battery drain rate (in % per hour) displayed on the summary screen during the walk so you can estimate if the battery is likely to last to the end of the walk and connect a portable USB battery if not. The app contains a number of other optimisations to minimise the amount of power it uses, for example it only re-renders the map - the most CPU-intensive part - if you've moved more than a certain distance. You may have also spotted the "Pause GPS" button on the menu at the bottom: that's the biggest win possible if you stop for a significant length of